Finchy here. The Chili Dawg isn’t feeling so good, so he asked me to do the post for him. Barney had rough start at Mom’s skool, even after Mom got him a “Good To Be a Cougar” skool t-shirt! Barney thought he was “cool” so he decided to be naughty. He refused to wear goggles in Mom’s Chemistry lab.

Then, he jumped up on the counter where the periodic table was and refused to come down!

Mom then caught him photocopying his butt in the science office! That’s when she called for the school police officer.

After that, Mom said he was “scared straight” and decided that it was better to follow the school rules. He participated in small group work, and even was the recorder for the group in Mom’s Anatomy class. By the end of the day, Barney even earned a stamp in his agenda book!

Okay, Barney, so you learned how to be a good Cougar at Mom’s skool. So what? Either way, once the Chili Dawg is feeling better, we’re still gonna kill you. Just sayin’. Finchy, out.
Those pics are hysterical! Photocopying his butt…what a clown.
Abby says he’s too stupid to follow the rules and wear his goggles in chem lab! What a doofus.
I’m sorry to hear Chili isn’t feeling well. I hope he feels better really soon and is ready and raring to get at Barney!!!
Jackie, Abby’s mom
OMD the photo copier….naughty Barney!
Hope Chili gets to feeling better and soon!
Hey Chili! What’s up, dude? Are you ok? We really need you around here, and if you aren’t up to the task, Finchy will take over and get all the de-stuffing credit.
This Barney guy is incredibly embarrassing! I hope you take him down a notch. He’s got a lot of…I can’t say it (my Woman is watching), but you know what I mean. Abby killed the heck out of him and he’s still acting like this? Man, he needs to be skooled all right, but Chili style!
Love, Dakota
Loved the photos…have no words. Love, MOM Praying for you and your soul friend.
boy i hope i get my chance. dakota is a pansy and will not take the stuffing out of barney but boy i can help. finchy, you and i are supposed to be monkeydogs. that means we are better un-stuffers than the lame-o tripawds. steal that barney and take care of business!
Oh Barney! Not the old photocopying the butt trick!
Way to show him the ways of the skool world, Chili and Finchy!
Why does mom have a pair of handcuffs????????!!!!!!!!
Barney is SUCH a troublemaker! He just WANTS us to think that he’s Mister Goody Two Shoes but now you know the truth. Just be sure to tell everypawdy you know!