
It’s almost been a week since the Chili Dawg crossed the Rainbow Bridge.  Finchy and I miss him very much.  The two of us are lost souls wandering the house.  Finchy is the whining one, and I am the crabby one.  Noah didn’t take his passing so well- on Wednesday the stress over everything that happened took its toll on him and I received a call from day care that he was throwing up but didn’t have a fever.  Poor kid 🙁  I left school and he, Juliana, Finchy and I spent the rest of the day together at home.

The hardest time for me is at night time.  Chili Dawg and I would snuggle together on the couch, bed, or at the end on the floor.  Finchy doesn’t know what to do either.  Last night he climbed up on the couch with me and later came under the covers with me.

Today the temperature is in the 60’s and it’s windy.  If Chili Dawg were here, he would be outside with his head in the wind and his fur and ears blowing, being “beautiful”.  It’s days like these that I notice his absence even more.  I miss you Chili Dawg.

12 thoughts on “Sigh”

  1. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve found myself thinking of you and your lovely dogs this week. Sending warm wishes your way…

  2. We are so terribly sorry for your loss 🙁 Chilidawg is still with you, Watching over you and your family 😉 please except our deepest sympathys.

    With condolences,

    Mary the big red dog

  3. We’re sad with you, Jenna. I wish we were closer so we could go get a cup of coffee or something. We’re thinking about you all.

  4. I’m sorry that I didn’t get a chance to post on the forums but I wanted you to know how very very sorry I am. Chili Dawg was a beautiful boy and I know all to well the pain you are feeling. Please know that my thoughts and prayers are with you.

    Brett & Spirit Fortis

  5. Jenna, I also have thought about your family a lot lately. I have an older but also very sensitive child, so I know how that can play into things.

    One thing you might want to try (if you’re up to it) is to make a Chili memory book with your husband and Noah. You can go shop for a scrapbook with Noah and put some of the pictures you have of Chili and Finchy and everyone else in it, and then each of you can write some of your favorite memories in the book. You can write separate memories, and then for some you can write your own take on a single memory (like what Chili did at Noah’s last birthday, for instance).

    That will give you something to do right now, something tangible to hold on to down the road, and something for Noah as he grows older. Your memories of Chili will always be there, Jenna, but Noah’s 4. He may appreciate having some help hanging onto Chili.

    When we lost our dog Belle several years ago, Aidan took pictures of her to school. During the day he would pull them out to look at, and if he seemed sad his teacher would come to him and ask to look at the pictures with him. Rather than acting like nothing was going on, at school they walked with him into the sadness and acknowledged it. I think it helped Aidan to have those pictures with him.


  6. we’re thinking of you guys, wishing there was something to do or say that would help make the big empty space go away. time, perhaps. hugs to you all.

    charon & gayle

  7. Oh Jenna,

    I know the emptiness & sadness that you are feeling. I can’t tell you that it will get better any time soon…but I can tell you that all of the people who love you will carry you through the days…..Hold on to their love and the memories of your sweet boy will also warm your heart…

    Next week will be 3 months since Indy became a tripawd angel and I still cry every day for him and for all of you who had to say goodbye too.

    I do find all of his many pictures and videos very comforting to me. It’s like having him here for a visit. I took a beautiful journal with “Footprints” recited on the front page (it actually came that way) and glued a picture of my boy on every other page. Many friends of mine & of Indy’s wrote a note to me or to Indy on their favorite page and I will cherish it forever and ever…

    May your sweet memories of your Chili Dawg remain alive in your hearts and may you know that we are all here for you!

    With love from Indiana’s mom ~~Carol~~

  8. I am so sorry to hear about Chili Dawg’s passing. I wish I had some wonder words for you to take the pain away, or make it easier for all of you.

    Thank you for sharing Chili Dawg’s stories…and yours. They help us in our journey with our dog so much.

    I hope all your wonderful memories will keep him close in your heart. We will be thinking of you and your family.

  9. As a new member to the Tripawds community, you and Chili gave us all encouragement and Love. We had no idea until your recent comment what happened. It makes us wonder what “kill” stories Chili Dawg and Dakotagirldog shared that day in the spirit world. Nothing perks Dakota up better than going after a good sweak, I just have to believe they had a few good barks together. Your family and Chili will be in our prayers. And we look forward to reading more of Chili Dawg’s stories.

  10. This is such a beautiful, peaceful, loving photo. It reminds me to take pix of Rumbles with us…his humans. I take so many pictures of him by himself or with the other pets.

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