Chili Dawg here. I’m not feeling so good, so Mom is going to type for me. The pain pills make me kind of fuzzy and I have this cough going on now. Yesterday, Mom gave us another go at Barney. I did a little chewing on him, but I just wasn’t in the mood. I did enjoy the smells though-Abby, Gayle, Cooper, Catie, Codie Rae and all the other dogs that have hosted him.
Mom could tell I wasn’t in the mood to kill Barney, so then she got Finchy all riled up about Barney and let Finchy give Barney a good ol’ whooping. You can see the video on Mom’s other blog. I think Evelyn will be proud of him. Mom let Finchy beat on him for a good 10-15 minutes. She does have to sew a small part of him, you can see the white part on the picture above- Finchy got down to the stuffing. Mom and I laid out in the grass yesterday and watched the clouds. Grandma and Grandpa came down to visit too.
Thank you, Abby for sending me Barney. Mom, Finchy and I have enjoyed having him here. He brings with him, a source of strength for tripawd owners facing cancer.

My heart is breaking for you all. I don’t know which is worst, anticipating and knowing or just having it happen.
On the other hand, you are able to open up Chili’s heart and your hearts and fill them all with so much love and play and happiness, and there’s a lot of value in that.
I wish I could say or do something that would matter. But there are no great insights or noteworthy comments or valuable ideas coming from me. Just know I think about your family daily, you’re in my prayers and thoughts, and I think Chili is a phenomenally lucky dog.
I am thankful for this tripawd sight and for Jerry starting this and the Kill Barney tour. Love, MOM
Well, the pictures of Chili Dawg on your other blog just broke my heart it is through the saddest of tears that I thank you for sharing him with us.
remember, if you do your best, then job well done. chili, you always do your best!!! we are hoping you make the angels wait, as we just don’t want you to go yet.
charon & gayle
Hi Chili, My mom told me you are not feeling good. I am sorry to hear that. I know you would have given that Barney what for if you were feeling up to it, but it’s ok, because your mom wouldna really let you kill him anyway. Just like my mom wouldn’t let me.
My mom is sad that you are not feeling well. I am pretty sure that you are not sad though. I have seen the pics and I know you have an awesome family who loves you a lot. I know you are loving on them and they are loving on you. Mom says we don’t know what tomorrow will bring, but I say, what’s tomorrow? I say today is a good day to be a dog, as long as you have a great family like you and me both do. We are lucky dogs!
Sending you lots of kisses,
Awww Chili,
We’re so sorry you are not feeling well. We know you are hangin’ in the here and now with your family and that you are just happy to be with them and to be a Dawg! Peace be with you big guy!
Codie Rae and the Oaktown Pack
Chili, you got DA PAWER and I know that a good Barney ass-whuppin is what you need to feel better! So get strong and feel better soon OK? We need you around here my friend, oh yes we do.
We love you Chili! 🙂
And Jerry would definitely approve of that thrashing that silly MonkeyFinchy gave his Barney.