2 months

Well, Chili Dawg, it’s been two months since you crossed the Rainbow Bridge.  I miss you so much, but I am glad that you are no longer in pain anymore.  I think Finchy has realized that you aren’t coming back, but he still looks for you, specially now that the weather has gotten cooler and he needs a snuggle buddy.  Noah talks about you all the time, and he misses you too.  He drew me a picture of you as a tripawd so I wouldn’t miss you so much.  I had a bunch of pictures of you and Finchy printed out so that we could start on your memory book, but I am too chicken to open the box they arrived in.  I’m not ready to admit that you are truly gone.  I know that as time goes by, my heart will heal, but I will always have a Chili Dawg shaped scar on my heart.  As Charon & Gayle say, “Love never ends.”

6 thoughts on “2 months”

  1. Izzy here.

    I know how you feel. Mom and I were just talking about Ted being gone 4 months yesterday. She wears her pewter necklace everyday, I have even seen her hold it in her hand when she is sleeping. I go outside and take deep breathes when I think of Ted. That helps me.

    Mom made that wonderful slideshow of us and that was very healing for Mom, but I do know we all have a lot of healing to do. I heard Mom and Dad talking about getting another golden puppy, but have decided not to at this time. If we are to have another this soon, Ted will lead the way.

    Mom says, “Open the box, even if only for a few minutes. The look will help.”

    Izzy signing out.

  2. can’t believe it’s been 2 months already hope you will soon bea able to make that book of memories. Hope Finchy isn’t too cold without his snuggle buddy

  3. Sweet Chili Dawg. Is it 2 months already? Try to send your mom a little sign so she knows you are ok and keeping an eye on everypawdy.

    We all miss you, you sweet pup you.

    Abby sends warming kisses for Finchy!

  4. golly, we know it’s a slow path to travel, when your heart is so sad. we miss our sister jane terribly, and know the tears still come at the strangest times. chili will let you know when it’s time to open that box, so don’t fret about that! and you ar so right, the one thing we know for certain is that love never ends.

    hugs to you and finchy,

    charon & gayle

  5. I have been so bad about keeping up with Tripawds. I am so sorry to hear about Chili Dawg… I will keep you all in my thoughts and prayers as well.

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