Not a Fan of The School Year…

Chili Dawg here.  Mom went back to work this week.  The first couple days I didn’t really mind.  She called the first few days “in-sti-toot daze”, and she wasn’t gone for that long.  Then, today first Dad’s alarm went off at 4 and he left for his run like he always does on Thursdays.  Then, a little while later, Mom’s alarm went off.  “What the heck?!?” I thought.  I remembered she had told Noah last night that this year her school started earlier and everyone was going to have to go to bed earlier because everyone was going to have to get up early and make a quick exit for her to get to school on time, but this was ridiculous!  During the summer I sleep until whenever and then I come downstairs and go outside!  There aren’t 2 alarms!

Eventually they made me get up and go out- it wasn’t even 6 o’clock in the morning!  Can you believe it?!?  I should file some sort of complaint (along with a complaint about the cone of shame).  Then, they got up the little kids, and if you thought I wasn’t happy, boy they weren’t happy either.  Mom and Dad told them they were sorry that they had to get up so early (it was a little after 6 o’clock), but Mom’s school starts at 7:05 this year instead of 8:10, and Mom has to drop them off by 6:30 to get to school on time.

So, I’m not a fan of the school year.  Except for the fact that now Mom and the kids get home by 2:30 and we have most of the afternoon to play outside before bedtime.  I like that part.  Just not the early morning part.  Mom said she doesn’t like the early morning part either, but she doesn’t control the school start time.  I think she should control it.  Just saying.

7 thoughts on “Not a Fan of The School Year…”

  1. Chili Dawg,

    What a bummer! I remember having to get up early before mom and dad retired; it really interferred with my beauty sleep!

    If you want to do an overnight with me, we can stay up REALLY late and get up when we feel like it. After breakfast, we can take a nap. Of course, you would have to fly to Cincinnati, but we would pick you up at the airport!

    I agree that your mom should set the school hours, since she is a teacher and all….


  2. Chili Dawg,

    I know exactly what you mean! The alarm goes off here at 5:00, and I have to get up right away cuz my little sister has to go out otherwise she might pee in the house. And if she’s up, I’m up otherwise I might miss something important. I want to file a complaint, too! Let’s start a petition!

    Your friend,

  3. Wow, you guys have it ruff! My pawrents don’t get up until 7 and my mom comes and wakes me up and I get in the bed with them and we snuggle for a little bit. It works out good for me cuz I am NOT a morning dog!

    Hope you get to sleep in on the weekends!


  4. Same here too Chili Dawg! My Papa gets up at 3:30 a.m.!!! Then Mama up at 5:30 a.m.!!! What in the world is wrong with them!??!?! Let’s all just sleep in and do whatever we want all day! Oh yeah, I forgot…they have to work to make $$ to feed me and my little sister 🙂


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