Look Mom No Stitches

Chili Dawg here.  Today Mom took me back to the vet.  This time she brought Noah and Juliana with too, so I made sure I was on my best behavior.  I even carried my leash in my mouth for Mom so she could hold both kids’ hands.  I did get a bit nervous after they put us in a room to see the vet.  I climbed as far as I could under the bench that Mom and the kids were sitting on.  Noah got down on the floor to try to put me at ease, but he’s only 4 so he could only do so much.  Mom ended up doing most of the comforting, but I still wouldn’t come out from under the bench, even after she promised me I wouldn’t lose another leg or have another ear surgery.  Then the vet came in, and he tried to coax me out from under the bench too.  Mom asked me nicely to come out, so I got up and went with the nice man into the back.  They took out my stitches and told me that I did really well.  I didn’t growl or anything.  I just laid there really nice.  Then he brought me back to Mom and showed her my ear and explained to her that I still needed to wear the “cone of shame” if I continue to scratch at it for another week or so.  Stupid cone!  I was sure I was done with it!  Mom told me she’s going to give me another chance out of the cone, and the vet gave us some ointment to help with the itching.  He couldn’t believe how well I walk with 3 legs.  Then, I got to carry my leash for Mom back to the van and we came home.  Finchy was waiting for me at the door- I don’t think he believed Mom when she said we would be right home.  So, I am cone free for the time being, hooray!

5 thoughts on “Look Mom No Stitches”

  1. thank goodness those stitches are finally out…just try to focus on your breathing or something other than scratching that ear – you don’t want that cone back on!! we recommend you continue with additional medicinal naps to make sure the hair grows back quickly…

    charon & gayle

  2. What a brave boy you were! Hope you get lots of extra treats and lovin’ tonight to celebrate the stitches being out!

    Jackie, Abby’s mom

  3. You were a brave boy !!! I hate the vet offices now too 🙁 But we gotta be brave for our pawrents… Here’s to hoping that cone of shame stays off your head!


  4. Hiya Chili Dawg, Eddie here. Thanks for your recent mail 🙂 Glad to hear that you’ve had your stitches removed. When I went to have mine taken out I have to confess that I wasn’t quite as well behaved as you were. My human sis did tell them that I might be nervous and try to nip so perhaps a muzzle would be an idea, but noooooo, they knew better. Changed their minds after the first attempt tho’…..ha, ha! It won’t be too long before you can say bye to the cone of shame for good and imagine the celebrations on that day 🙂 I love the photos, you’re clearly a handsome boy, just like me!!

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