Stooopid Cone…

So, Mom said she would take off the cone while I was in eye sight but I couldn’t scratch at my ear.  Apparently Mom doesn’t realize how itchy a recently shaved ear is.  I was doing pretty good with the cone off, but then my ear started to itch.  Mom appeared to be engaged in playing “The Ladybug Game” with Noah and Juliana was downstairs doing her Occupational Therapy session, so I snuck out of the room undetected, or I should say, I thought I snuck out of the room undectected.

Apparently even though Mom is on summer vacation, her “teacher senses” are still there.  I was just getting into scratching my ear, when Mom crept into the room and put that cone back on my head!  I didn’t even see it coming!  She told me that she couldn’t trust me not to scratch my stitches out and that she didn’t want me to hurt my ear, so I was going to have to wear the cone now whether I wanted to or not.  I have figured out how to get it off while I am outside by rolling around on the ground, but Mom always makes sure to get it back on me.  She does give me time out of it in the evening when Finchy and I are chilling out with them before bed time.  Only one more week until the stitches come out, and then I’m going to hide the stoopid cones (they have 2 of them, can you believe it?) so I never have to wear one again!

5 thoughts on “Stooopid Cone…”

  1. I hate, I mean HATE, the cone, too. I am FINALLY done with the cone. But they still have it…just out of my reach so I can’t tear it into little tiny pieces. Why do they torture us like this when we’re already feeling cruddy?


  2. I hate the cone too. I even growled at my mom when she put it on me! She wasn’t threatened though…. She just laughed at me. Oh, the double humiliation!

    Hang in there!

  3. two cones???? how is this possible in america???? there should be a law limiting households to only one cone (at most!)… we recommend boosting your medicinal naps to make the time go faster.

    charon & gayle

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