Vacation Time…

Chili Dawg here, mom let me use her laptop again.  Before I became a tripawd, my pawrents bought plane tickets to visit my dad’s family in Arizona.  My mom asked one of her former students to house sit so that Finch and I didn’t have to go to the kennel.  Finch and I were excited because we would get the house to ourselves (I called the bed!).  Plus, we always get extra treats whenever Lee Anne babysits the kids, and since the kids would also be gone we figured we’d cash in on even MORE treats (awwww, yeah!).

Well, ever since the vet said the cancer word and I became a tripawd, Mom and Dad are having second thoughts about leaving me and Finch.  I want them to go and have fun- they don’t get to see these pawrents very often.  I think Mom is having bad dreams about leaving me, because in the middle of the night she gets up and lays on the floor with me.  Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy the extra snuggles, but I don’t want my mom to feel bad for leaving me, I feel much better as a tripawd.


AHHHH Chili Dawg, last time I let you “paw-jack” my laptop and spill my secrets!  It’s not that I’m afraid to leave the Chili Dawg.  It’s just that I don’t know how much time I have left with him.  He’s doing well right now, and for that I am grateful.  I just wish I could shake the bad dreams.  Any suggestions?

3 thoughts on “Vacation Time…”

  1. we know just how you feel. there’s no good answer. for myself, i am very fortunate to be able to stay home with gayle and be there for her all the time. i rarely stray from her side, and of course, she sticks to me like glue. no regrets on missing the ‘rest of the world’, i am spending the most important time (now) with my tripawd sister gayle. geesh, hope this doesn’t ruin your vacation….you will do the right thing, just search your heart – and it’s great you have a live in sitter, we’d have to consider a kennel, which is a definite ‘no way’ for us.

    charon & gayle

    1. No worries- your comment didn’t/won’t ruin our vacation. My hubby just confessed that he is also having the same nightmare as me. The one thing I can be “grateful” for if you can even call it grateful is that the cancer diagnosis came towards the end of the school year, so that I get the whole summer with him before I go back to work in the fall 🙁 That will be hard because then who knows how much time will truly be left. Make the most of every day, because you only get one shot at it.

  2. Well now, this is when cloning yourself would come in really handy. Lacking that, let’s brainstorm. I don’t know how old your in-laws are but they’re not going to be around forever either. And you can always cut it short and be back home in a few hours if need be (and “need” may just mean you need to be home with your Dawg!)

    Having said that, I’d have a really hard time leaving Tate right now, too. How would the family take it if you postponed your visit?

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