1 Week Ampuversary…

The Chili Dawg has been home for 1 week now.  He is doing really well.  He has hopped around the back yard doing his check of the perimeter the past 2 days.  My 2 year old daughter is no longer afraid of him and now gives him a hug and kiss with my 4 year old when we have to leave the house (my 4 year old fawned all over him as soon as he came home).  He doesn’t like when we have to put the “cone of shame” (for those of you who have seen the movie “Up”) on him when we leave the house, but if we don’t he will lick himself raw.  He is starting to eat a little better as well.  Last night the surgeon called and gave us the results on his leg (they sent it off for testing).  Chili’s lymph nodes were clear but the cancer in the ulna was definitely osteosarcoma.  I am glad that we did the amputation because he is no longer in pain and he is back to smiling at us again.  Now we need to decide whether or not to do the chemo treatment, and if we do decide to do chemo, where we will find the money to pay for the treatment as my 2 year old has many health issues of her own.  Tough decisions to be made…

Five Days Post Amputation

The Chili Dawg is now 5 days post amputation of his right forelimb.  The first night was rough.  He couldn’t get comfortable and was up every 2 hours trying to find a comfy position.  He and I got through it together though.  He’s doing great now though!  He even greets us at the door when we get home, with his tail wagging.  When his leg first started hurting him, a little over 2 weeks ago, he would still greet us at he door, but by the time it was diagnosed as osteosarcoma, he could barely get up.  It’s sad to think that he feels better 5 days after an amputation then he did with a bad leg, but he does, so we are glad that we made this decision.